When people are stressed, then do different things. People have their own methods. Some use a therapist, a friend, sex, elevated alcohol intake, read books, exercise, spend time in nature or use a coach or psychologist, when they have some challenges or crises in their lives. Not all ways are appropriate. It may also depend on what challenge you have in your life at the current moment. Gradually, over time, you find out what help & bring you in mental balance.
We can all be stressed. Sometimes I use mindfullness meditation & exercise to reduce stress and be in mental balance. Therefore, this blog post is about mindfullness training & meditation.
Mindfullness – What is it?
Mindfullness can be described as a specific, bodily, intentional orientation in relation to focusing one’s attention on something specific. The focus is to be open, curious and present in the present in a non-judgmental or judgmental way (Bishop et al., 2004; Germer, 2005).
Mindfullness originates originally from philosophical traditions, but is often associated with Buddhist philosophy and psychology (Bikkhu Bodhi, 2000; Nyanaponika, 1998). Studies show that mindfullness meditation has positive effects on eg. stress, chronic pain, depression and eating disorders etc. (See Baer, 2003; Melbourne Academic Mindfulness Interest Group, 2006).
Mindfullness – Where & when can I do it?
In principle, you can practice mindfullness in all places and times of the day – in different lengths and contexts. You don’t necessarily have to sit in a particular position or get up a certain place with a yoga mat. Beautiful, idyllic places and places where you feel comfortable may give you a better general experience of the meditation – the feeling of well-being and the landscape etc. When you make more effort out of something, I also think that it mentally gives a better effect.
Mindfullness can also be exercised when cycling, running or hiking alone or with others in the forest. As you run, you can focus on the breath. When you eat an apple, you can focus on the taste. When walking in crowds, you can also choose to focus only on the breath.
The fact that you focus is the main essence. The essential thing about meditation is, that your awareness of a particular point is gathered. The thoughts are focused on what you are currently doing.

Mindfullness – examples in practice?
As you understand what mindfullness is, try to do the following at least once a day. Here are a few examples:
• Brush your teeth and only think about brushing your teeth
• Drink coffee and think only of the coffee; how does it taste, is it hot?
• Eat a piece of fruit or cake – focus on the taste.
In addition to focusing on bringing awareness to a particular point, you are also training the presence in the situation.
Mindfullness Meditation Training
You can “go” to mindfullness classes as you go to a yoga – or other classes. It can be motivating for people, who can’t get along on their own or need to get started. It’s just to find out who makes such hours close to you. Online you can also google “mindfullness meditation classes” and you will find different directions and avenues. Online classes as well. On youtube, there are also many examples of guided mindfullness meditation.
Once in a while, I do a kind of meditation called “informal mediation”:
10. min. breathing exercise
30. min. Body scanning (awareness of different body parts)
20. min mountain / sea meditation
The meditation can be at home, at the beach or the sea. Or where you find it cozy. Personally, I prefer to practice this kind of meditation somewhere in the mountains or at the beach – if possible. If the weather does not allow it, then a warm, cozy room with a pillow, candles and a blanket can also be the case. It is important to have a good time.
Mindfullness during sports activities
Not all people can or want to practice mindfullness meditation sitting somewhere, because it doesn’t make any sense. For them I will suggest doing it during sport activity:
Unconscious – I also do mindfullness training when I’m out skitouring up the mountain/ back country skiing, cross country skiing, cycling or running longer distances. Sometimes it can be so hard or challenging that I focus only on every step and breath I take. Then I’m doing Mindfullness training as well.
Mindfullness training is comparable to being in a state of flow, which provides the same positive psychological effects as mindfullness meditation. Like mindfullness, the experience of flow can gather awareness, thoughts and awareness of a particular point (Csikszentmihalyi (2005)). This can help you automatically reduce your stress level, because you become better at concentrating on what you need to focus on.
Mindfullness – The ability of concentration in daily life improves
Mindfullness training makes me better at focusing on everyday tasks – without eg. to look at my phone 10 times an hour or other things that take my concentration. It makes me less stressed, because I learn to be present in the moment with things that I’m doing – I get more effective …
If you want to have mindfullness training coaching from me – ONLINE or IRL, then contact me .
/Anne-Louise @freeridegirlom